Heck yah...Vacation of a lifetime!!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Minor stitch

There is nothing like a few days in Vancouver to get a trip underway. Oh wait except when your plain was delayed in Calgary and you missed your connecting flight to Taiwan, you are stuck in your hotel on a Saturday night, and the one friend you have in the city is away on business....hahhhaa
Ah I was actually happy to spend a couple of nights in a hotel to baby my cold. Some down time before my trip can't be a bad thing, considering I didn't get any when I left Saskatoon.
Hopefully tonight I actually start my adventure!


Ade said...

Yay, now you've really entered the alternative lifestyle of solo travel... The best thing about you is that you are up for anything, and Vancity is really not the worst place to be stuck in a hotel. Have fun and as my dad always says, Keep Smilin'!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great trip!
Can't wait to see some awesome pics!

Anonymous said...

Yo Jen Arch!

You get feeling better, and I look forward to seeing and hearing about your adventure. Later!


Anonymous said...

Have a great trip and I will be expecting some stories when you get back.

good travel

Unknown said...

Hey babe!
Thanks for the little note. I am missing you a lot right now, things are pretty stressful. But I have Matt, and now I have you to keep me entertained with all your great adventure stories. I'm praying you have a safe trip, and I know you will have loads of fun!!

Anonymous said...

I have had your for 3 days and already 5 people have waved to me thinking it was you driving (which is wierd becuz you didnt you tell you were leaving!) its a curse!!

-lil brother

Anonymous said...

Water is the answer to the jet lag I am guessing you are now experiencing. Drink water, bottled water, like medicine, nonstop for the next two days,,,, trust me it will help. Oh and that upside down feeling will leave in about two days too, then you'll feel terrific! Have fun, kid.


Jen. said...

Hey Jonny-D

Maybe you should re-read your post before you leave the next one...hahah...but I am happy you left a message. Take care of my white betsie and give duke a cuddle for me!