Heck yah...Vacation of a lifetime!!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Made it!

Well after 2 days in Vancouver resting up, I am here on foreign turf. I was starting to feel a little like Tom Hanks in The Terminal doing laps around the Vancouver airport trying to waste 8 hrs before boarding the plane, but you stop caring as soon as the janitors give you high fives.

The plane ride was fairly painfree thanks to Chantal's tip about gravol....I was out for about 8-9hrs of a 12hr flight. I arrived in Kaohsiung to find Kaid and Ed waiting for me. Came back to their place, got settled, and decided to start looking for a camera.
We took to the streets, Kaid in the lead knowing where we should be looking. But me being the indecisive person that I am wasn't sure on the cameras, so we walked around for a while instead.

All these english teachers, X-paks as they are known here, teach from 2-9 or so, so I may wander around tonight. Kaid got me a map so I will see how I feel. I need to pound the water apparently, and keep pumping in the cold f-x. The guys seem to have my time planned out on what they want me to see and do, I am excited to see what the week will bring including learing to drive a scooter. Especially cause Kaid has a broken arm, so I can drive his!!! Ahh Yeah......


Anonymous said...

HEy buddy, I am gald to here you are doing well, I am so happy for you ! Wait a go on the gravol! I hope you have a fabulous trip, I will be thinking of you, take care sweetee! love Chantal

Anonymous said...

Hey lady....
glad to hear you got there safe. I know you're going to be fine, but I am actually really glad you have some people there (me being the worry wart that i can be)..hey, just gotta be protective of my friend. Anyways, keep me updated. l
lots of love

Anonymous said...

Well I finally found your blog and we're happy you arrived to your destination and were met by friends.
Learning to ride the bike will give you an excuse to use Jonathan's when you return. Broken arm...how'd that happen????
We returned from the Sapiehas' Tues
4:30. Megan fell on the ice during hockey practice and now has symtoms
of a concusion. Hope you receive this message. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe you are actually there. It has been such a long time since I talked to you. Make sure you savour every moment! Take care.


Anonymous said...

Ah crap. I didn't get a chance to say 'goodbye'...Oh well... :(

This weekend we will do the 243243242th shot to you and your fantastic voyage.

Anonymous said...

ex-pats (as in expatriate) btw ... a term you'll hear all over this great wonderful globe as you'll learn for yourself. gotta love that travellin lingo!