Heck yah...Vacation of a lifetime!!

Friday, December 8, 2006

Big day

There is no better way to learn to drive a scooter than to be forced on to it...HA!
The day started out by shopping in the morning at a crazy craft store, 9x9, which has everything from a million types of pencils, pens, and stationary to Christmas decorations. Good thing I am not teaching here cause I might have one of everything in the store! Then Char and I went for Starbucks! I was soooo happy to find one here since I am addicted to the Christmas blend and I was scared of the withdrawl I might be going through. She dropped me back off at their place and told me the key would be under the mat....NOPE. Kaid kinda forgot to put it there.

So I get in a cab and point to where I want to go on a business card, and the cabbie can't find the place. Great! Thanks to my amazing direction skills, thanks Dad, I recognized the area and pointed the cab driver where to go. I ran inside the school grabbed the keys from Kaid and he also gave me the scooter keys.

Away I go on the mad streets driving a scooter! Ah YEAH I AM!!! It felt awesome. Now I have the day to explore even further than I can go on foot!! I just arrived back after purchasing a camera too. WHAT A DAY!

Yesterday I went to school with Kaid all day. Man do these kids have energy....WOW! They go from Chinese school all day, to English school for 2hrs, then home to do more homework....no lives! I feel horrible for these kids. Kaid tries to make his classes as much fun as possible because he knows it may be the only time in their crazy days they can have fun. I helped out a bit and really enjoyed it.....'teachah, teachah, you crazy'!

Alright, I am off to pick up Kaid, then out to watch one of his friends Mark play at a club. Stay tuned for pictures!


Anonymous said...

Arch love the update and your trip made me jealous so now we are off to the D Repub for 7 days over Xmas. Anyways Keep the highlights coming.


Jen. said...

Ah Gust enjoy Dominican. Make sure you send me an update on how the trip goes.
Keep tossin' those salads!! Wha wha wha...tell Folden too!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jenny-poo sounds like your having a great and fantastic time. I'm doing double time shopping since your not here to do your half. Well miss you like crazy!! Lovin you updates!! LOVE YOU!!


Ade said...

hey babe, say hi to the boys for me! I'm glad they are taking good care of you, and that you are "doin what you want". Boil the water!!! Apparently bottled water is really not environmentally friendly! haha

love ya!

Anonymous said...

slarch, sounds like everything is good and you are getting the royal eastside treatment from the boys over there. Hope you get to see everything that tiny island has to offer. say hello to those dopes for me.


Anonymous said...

Heah my girl - so glad to hear that you found a Starbucks! Any breakfast cookies?? Oh yeah, they're probably fortune cookies. Sorry bad joke. Anyway,so glad to hear that you're having such a great time!
Love you lots,

Anonymous said...

Glad I came to this website to hear about how you are loving life in the sun as I have to shovel my way through snow just to get to my frozen truck so I can go work all day...............I'm just jealous.........Tips

Alexa said...

Wait- WHERE are you?? Wow! That is super exciting!!!

Anonymous said...


Sounds like you are having a blast. I can't wait till I can travel around but at the mo I am swamped, just tryin to graduate along with all my other activities.
Anyways keep me posted I love hearing about your adventures.

Much love, bre