Heck yah...Vacation of a lifetime!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!Thinking of everyone! xoxo

I was hiking in Sapa, and came across this Christmas tree in a bar and really couldn't resist. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and really I have never felt more Christmas spirit before. The hotel I am at had a little party for all the guests, and the staff was so amazing. More crazy pictures from Christmas Eve in Hanoi to follow.

Tomorrow I am off to a 3 day boat/kayak/hike adventure....Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Taiwan in a nutshell

If I could figure out how 2 weeks in Taiwan has gone by,
it would great!

Well where did I leave off. After my last post I went to pick Kaid up from school and well I kinda had no idea where I was suppose to go...oops. All the street names are the same and the objects or buildings I tried to remember, well I had a brain fart. Only 10 minutes late I did end up finding him...hehehe.
The first Saturday in Taiwan was unforgettable. We went hiking to this place called Monkey Mountain. It is a mountain in Kaohsiung where monkeys and stray dogs are everywhere. The vegetation is incredible, and the hike was was a nice go at your own pace along the wooden steps. Once we reached the top there was hot tea to drink. As we continued, Ed showed us an old gym on the Mtn. It was like taking a step into another life time. All the equipment was made of sticks, tires, or earth type materials. So of course we tried out a few contraptions, and had a little hula contest too.

The night had us at KTV. In Taiwan they don't just have karaoke machines at bars and everyone sings. It is like a hotel and they rent out rooms with individual machines, washrooms, and seating. There are no windows so it is easy to stroll out at lets say 5:30am and not know the difference. You could say we had some fun.

The next week, Kaid took me to a pier where we walked around a university, took pictures, and had some laughs. It was windy day so walking to the end of the pier wasn't really in the cards. I also discovered some Frisbee players one day at the culture center, so I joined in for a few backhands and impressed the ol' guys a little. They tried to talk to me but, I no speaka good chi-ha-neese! Sheh shen neee (thank you very). I also got to go to school with both Kaid and Charlene. It was special to see both of them and their teaching styles, and how each taught class after class of crazy kids. Apparently Charlene and I discovered we were best friends in a former lifetime too. Who would have known?! Sure will miss you babe! You too Kaid...don't want to leave you out.

Char and I even treated ourselves to a hair wash one day after visiting Lotus Lake with her tutors. It was the most intense hair wash and do of my life. After my 10 or so minute head massage/hair wash at the chair, we continued to the sink for another 10 min or so of 2 ppl working on my hair! Back to the chair and I had girls working on my hair and Char had 3 on hers. They aren't use to curls! It was awesome and cost nothing! I also was fortunate to watch a Christmas concert for a dance company. It had tap, musical bits, belly dancing, and a little salsa. Charlene had done belly dancing there and had a good friend who we went to watch. She was amazing, and it made me miss teaching my munchkins and dancing myself. Thank goodness for hopak on the ipod to cheer me up after the show!

Taiwan was the perfect start to my trip. Stinky tofu, crazy street dogs, scooters, getting so lost that all you can do is laugh, tea stands, strawberry milk, Ali McBeal, friendly people who really think you should be able to understand what they are saying, and amazing friends. If I didn't have so much else to discover I am sure I would still be there starting to settle into the black lung population of Kaohsiung.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Big day

There is no better way to learn to drive a scooter than to be forced on to it...HA!
The day started out by shopping in the morning at a crazy craft store, 9x9, which has everything from a million types of pencils, pens, and stationary to Christmas decorations. Good thing I am not teaching here cause I might have one of everything in the store! Then Char and I went for Starbucks! I was soooo happy to find one here since I am addicted to the Christmas blend and I was scared of the withdrawl I might be going through. She dropped me back off at their place and told me the key would be under the mat....NOPE. Kaid kinda forgot to put it there.

So I get in a cab and point to where I want to go on a business card, and the cabbie can't find the place. Great! Thanks to my amazing direction skills, thanks Dad, I recognized the area and pointed the cab driver where to go. I ran inside the school grabbed the keys from Kaid and he also gave me the scooter keys.

Away I go on the mad streets driving a scooter! Ah YEAH I AM!!! It felt awesome. Now I have the day to explore even further than I can go on foot!! I just arrived back after purchasing a camera too. WHAT A DAY!

Yesterday I went to school with Kaid all day. Man do these kids have energy....WOW! They go from Chinese school all day, to English school for 2hrs, then home to do more homework....no lives! I feel horrible for these kids. Kaid tries to make his classes as much fun as possible because he knows it may be the only time in their crazy days they can have fun. I helped out a bit and really enjoyed it.....'teachah, teachah, you crazy'!

Alright, I am off to pick up Kaid, then out to watch one of his friends Mark play at a club. Stay tuned for pictures!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Made it!

Well after 2 days in Vancouver resting up, I am here on foreign turf. I was starting to feel a little like Tom Hanks in The Terminal doing laps around the Vancouver airport trying to waste 8 hrs before boarding the plane, but you stop caring as soon as the janitors give you high fives.

The plane ride was fairly painfree thanks to Chantal's tip about gravol....I was out for about 8-9hrs of a 12hr flight. I arrived in Kaohsiung to find Kaid and Ed waiting for me. Came back to their place, got settled, and decided to start looking for a camera.
We took to the streets, Kaid in the lead knowing where we should be looking. But me being the indecisive person that I am wasn't sure on the cameras, so we walked around for a while instead.

All these english teachers, X-paks as they are known here, teach from 2-9 or so, so I may wander around tonight. Kaid got me a map so I will see how I feel. I need to pound the water apparently, and keep pumping in the cold f-x. The guys seem to have my time planned out on what they want me to see and do, I am excited to see what the week will bring including learing to drive a scooter. Especially cause Kaid has a broken arm, so I can drive his!!! Ahh Yeah......

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Minor stitch

There is nothing like a few days in Vancouver to get a trip underway. Oh wait except when your plain was delayed in Calgary and you missed your connecting flight to Taiwan, you are stuck in your hotel on a Saturday night, and the one friend you have in the city is away on business....hahhhaa
Ah I was actually happy to spend a couple of nights in a hotel to baby my cold. Some down time before my trip can't be a bad thing, considering I didn't get any when I left Saskatoon.
Hopefully tonight I actually start my adventure!